The DevOps world

JNIT has been around and we know something about processes and deployments. We want DevOps to reduce the risk of unsuccessful deployment in production. By using protocols and Devops we create smoother processes at deployment of code. It protects the...

JNIT has been around and we know something about processes and deployments. We want DevOps to reduce the risk of unsuccessful deployment in production. By using protocols and Devops we create smoother processes at deployment of code. It protects the performance for end users and reduce expensive downtime. DevOps goes beyond being Agile. Agile is about matching development and testing as where Devops aims at continuous Integration, continuous Testing and continuous delivery. In order to make the word ‘continous’ work in the context of compelx IT deployments and maintenance, excellent skill set is needed. These skill sets are not only in experience and knowledge, it also needs to have a high level of problem solving capabilities. This is where JNIT come sin the picture.

JNIT can operate extremely complex Devops processes with remote or on premises staff to support and evolve your IT quality. We work with the best talent and we apply to our talent the best possible training processes. JNIT Training is more then just faster on boarding or working on employee retention. Training is the back bone of the new Capital, being Human Capital.

Our training program has of course a theoretical part in it all, but is highly focused on real terrain issues. Here is an extract from our Devops Training program overview:

Overview on SDLC, Agile and end-to-end project workflow
Overview of 3tier architecture Traditional methodologies
Version Control systems – Checkout, Branch, Merge and Commit using Git and SVN.
Build System – Maven concepts and demo on building a complete .war package
Repository Manager – Nexus, Artifactory
Deploy .war package to web container.
Tomcat – Setup, Configuration, Clustering with HTTPD using mod_jk and mod_proxy, JDBC, Session Management
Security – SSL/TLS KeyStore Management, Authentication and authorization using LDAP like Microsoft Active Directory, SSO(SAML) using ADFS
Logging and Tracing Catalina. Out, access and error logs

The JNIT Devops training program allows organizations to strengthen skills that each employee needs to improve. A development program that JNIT brings to the table, brings all employees to a higher level so they all have improved skills and knowledge. It also helps reduce learning curves and faster on boarding. Last but not least, it boosts confidence and productivity.

The JNIT Devops services and training programs are on of many available. Contact us today for more information.

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